Tools and methodsLearning Place Analyses for the Creation of Learning Content
In order to create learning content for the Training CMS (in the case of DaimlerChrysler the Production Learning System – PLS), so-called ‘learning place analyses’ are being conducted. These offer first insights regarding qualification content of a work place and is used as a basis for the configuration of learning processes. During the first step, a quick-scan is compiled in order to offer an overview of routine activities and responsibilities of a particular work place. Following this, the activities are sub-divided into individual work steps. DaimlerChrysler Mannheim has developed a specific instrument for the learning place analysis in machined production, the so-called ‘work process matrix’. It offers an overview of all routine activities within a complex production plant. It is compiled and successively filled in close cooperation with specialists of the respective department. During the next step, individual work steps are analysed with regard to what information is required by the worker in order to fulfil this activity in a professional manner. Based on existing documents and experience values of long standing workers, the relevant information regarding tools, components, material, quality-related advice as well as important experience values is being documented in cooperation with workers from these work stations. The aim of this method is to receive qualification content that corresponds to the work process and hereby adjusting ‘learn flow’ and ‘work flow’. The training CMS used by DaimlerChrysler then depicts the qualification content gathered through this method in the form of so-called ‚net pictures’ (graphic demonstrations of work processes) in a standardised way. Photos and short videos can be used to further visualise processes. The involvement of workers ensures that information that is contained in the training CMS is tailored to the needs of users and documented in a coherent form of language.
The LTC Communicator
LTC Communicator is a multilingual eCommunication tool for multinational application environments. It combines established language technologies to provide a very flexible solution to instant content or email translation requirements. Integrated with an eLearning infrastructure such as EUCAM, it allows users to have the content of the system translated on the fly, making information instantly accessible in multiple languages. A company with production plants in several countries can then set up the EUCAM system in the USA, for example, with local workers customizing the eLearning module to the specific needs of the US plant. The system can then be constantly updated, again by local workers, as machinery and working procedures evolve. If the US plant employs South American workers with limited English language skills, they will have instant access to any new content, translated into Spanish at the touch of a button. Visiting engineers from other plants can also access the content of this eLearning instance in their own language. With LTC Communicator, all EUCAM terminals in all plants are always up to date in all supported languages. LTC Communicator will not only produce understandable results in an environment like EUCAM; it can be used in any situation where instant multilingual communication is needed (but not necessarily publishable quality), such as a multilingual helpdesk. LTC Communicator can produce significantly better output than a standalone machine translation system; and because communication is generally within a well-defined subject area, it can be easily customised for even better quality. Strategies such as the use of style guidelines, standard responses, and human post-editing with a translation memory to reuse previously translated and edited text, mean that users may not even be aware that any translation has taken place. It can support any language combination covered by the available machine translation programs.
The Training Data Editor
The core of the TDE is a task breakdown which defines all the detailed steps required for these activities and that can be defined in a formal way. In addition, further information is collected regarding which components can be assembled or disassembled, which auxiliary materials and tools are required,as well as well as which properties apply to a given task. Finally, task responsibilities in a distributed working environment, such as, for example, in the mass production of automobiles, is included. In order to provide support for workers from different geographical and cultural regions, the TDE allows for the acquiring of relevant data in different langauges. An interface to the LTC Communicator allows for the semi-automatic translation of these texts. All end data captured by the TDE is stored in a neutral format as defined by STEP-PLCS (ISO 10303-239, Product Life Cycle Support), with the addition of 3D design geometry according to STEP-AP203. The data captured in TDE can then be used by the Production Learning System (PLS) or by the IDA-STEP Viewer.All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. |